If your business would like to work with us to support our work for – and on behalf of – people with vasculitis, we’d be very happy to talk.

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation is a small charity. Vasculitis is still relatively unheard of as a condition. And the battle we’re fighting with vasculitis and awareness is, to be honest, fairly obscure. There are bigger charities, with bigger budgets, glossy campaigns and more staff. And there are diseases which are better known – and a whole raft of worthwhile causes which also deserve attention.

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation (LCTF) may not necessarily be the first name that springs to mind when you’re thinking about a charity to support. But your contribution can make a substantial and meaningful difference.

LCTF provides practical and emotional support to people who have vasculitis, and their loved ones. We also run awareness campaigns, raise money and fund research into vasculitis.

We’re run by volunteers and we fight hard for every pound we get. We do this because of Lauren, and because vasculitis is still relatively unknown.

Vasculitis is a disease which kills – but needn’t.

Vasculitis isn’t curable – yet. But it is manageable if recognised and treated in time. People die because they don’t get diagnosed with vasculitis until it’s too late. That’s what happened to Lauren, just after her 15th birthday.

Other people get a diagnosis but suffer organ damage or other life-changing complications because that identification came a little too late.

We believe that the more people who know about vasculitis, the quicker diagnosis can be made. The quicker it’s recognised, the better the outcome for the patient. And through awareness and research will, one day, there will come a cure.

Why should your business support LCTF?

We are happy to work with any corporate sponsor to find a way to work with you and your CSR needs, and with our objectives as a charity. We’ve a number of ways to do that, including one-off donations, event sponsorship – including our Ladies’ Lunch and the Black & Red Ball, fundraising activities and ‘charity of the year’ partnerships.

For a larger charity, your business’ involvement will likely be one of many. For us it could, quite literally, mean saving lives.

Please get in touch for more information.


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