If you’ve been diagnosed with vasculitis, there are ways the Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation can help.
Get Information
If you’ve recently been diagnosed, you might not know much about vasculitis. There are a lot of different types of vasculitis, and the symptoms can vary from person to person. Our get information section explains what vasculitis is and has a lot of resources you should find helpful, including fact sheets, videos and other people’s experiences of living with the condition.
Or explore the get information section of our site to see all the resources available.
Get Support
Living with vasculitis can be hard. We can offer practical and emotional support, for both you and your loved ones. From practical advice about keeping on top of your symptoms or your finances, to dealing with the emotional effects of a long-term condition – or someone to talk to about what you’re going through.
Or explore the support section of our site to see all the resources available.
Get in touch
Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch with us today and we will do what we can to help.
Support us
LCTF is a charity run by volunteers and supported by donations. Discover how you can support us so we can continue our work.
About us
The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation was set up to raise awareness of vasculitis and provide support to people with the condition.