Webinar 3 – Diagnosing Early

Webinar 3 with Dr Hilary Jones was a live webcast on the 15th February.  Its a webinar that may not appear uplifting to some viewers as it features the story of Lauren who died of Vasculitis at 15. The webinar was produced as part of the LCTF’s campaign for early diagnosis. Too many people are being diagnosed late causing damage to internal organs or in Lauren’s case when it is too late.  If the webinar leads to one person being diagnosed earlier with vasculitis then the LCTF have achieved their goal.

The webinar was as emotional to prepare for, as it was to speak at on the night. One photograph used in the webinar brought back many painful memories- a photograph that we had taken when Lauren was diagnosed with Pneumonia and we felt positive there was a chance she would be okay.  Shortly after that photograph was taken Lauren was transferred to ICU and chances dropped significantly to 10% survival.  It was apparent the Pneumonia was in fact Vasculitis and at a very advanced stage. Lauren passed away just over a day later.

Her charity now stands in her memory to educate the medical community, raise awareness and support for anyone diagnosed with Vasculitis in the UK. The LCTF is grateful to Dr Hilary for participating in the webinar and heightening the awareness of Vasculitis and the LCTF. in addition to supplying great advice for GPs and patients, Dr Hilary also took the time to do our interactive Q&A session on the webinar and answer questions from the online audience.

You can listen to webinar 3 by following this link:


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