Vasculitis Salt Therapy
The Salt Cave is an NHS Approved Therapy and has branches in London, Kent, Milton Keynes and Edinburgh. It offers a drug free treatment over 1 hour sessions in a controlled air medium that simulates the natural salt cave microclimate. Salt is an ancient remedy and this form of treatment has been successful in relieving Sinusitis, Rhinitis and other respiratory conditions – common issues of Vasculitis.
Salt Cave is working with The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation to offer Support Group members a 20% discount on the cost of sessions. You can be a member of our online community or a member of the Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen or Bristol group to obtain the discount.To read more about this treatment then visit the website at
To join our online community and obtain more details on salt therapy – Click Here
To find about our support groups in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen or Bristol – Click Here