Vasculitis Awareness at RCGP Conference

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation have a stand at the Royal College of General Practitioners annual care conference in Glasgow.  The event attracts health professionals from the UK and other parts of Europe.  LCTF use events such as this to heighten the profile of Vasculitis and raise more awareness with GPs through UK events like this.  Our charity is promoted in the delegate pack, conference website and the LCTF stand.

The stand provides general information on our objectives and services.  We are giving away leaflets on Vasculitis and free Awareness DVDs (presented by Dr Hilary Jones).  Diagnosis of Vasculitis can be extremely difficult and in most cases it is only diagnosed through a health professional having the experience and suspicion to explore Vasculitis diagnosis. If left undiagnosed then Vasculitis can affect major organs and cause significant damage.  In a minority of cases this damage can be fatal.  It is important that diagnosis is prioritised so patients are diagnosed earlier and treatments can start minimising further damage.

At LCTF, our aims are to raise awareness of Vasculitis with health professionals and the public – look at what awareness has done for Meningitis and the simple tumbler test! LCTF also provide guidance material to patients and health professionals, provide patient support groups and fund a dedicated Vasculitis research programme with the University of Aberdeen.

If you are attending the RCGP Annual Care Conference at the SECC then visit stand 89 and talk to us about Vasculitis support.

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