Training for the 5K: Guest Blog from Tangerine 13 Studios

We are very pleased to have Carolyne McDougall – an experienced personal trainer and owner of Tangerine13 Studios in Glasgow’s city centre – on board to provide training and diet plans for people of all abilities on the LCTF blog and Facebook page, to encourage even the most inexperienced of runners to become involved in our upcoming 5k at Dean Castle.

Carolyne is very passionate about health and fitness and believes that the key to performing comes down to preparing yourself before in advance.
Please find below her guest blog with links to the different training plans.

The 5k run takes place on the 28th of April which is just over 3 weeks away.  There isn’t much time to train for the event but there is still something you can do to prepare yourself.

With this is mind I have prepared three different plans that focus on beginners, intermediate and advanced running.

Each plan is based on going for a walk/run 3 times a week over the next 3 weeks.  You will need to mark out a 5k route and time each session.

Tangerine13 Studios has a running club on a Tuesday night and anyone registered for this Vasculitis 5k event is welcome to come along for free over the next three weeks.

My email is and I am available to answer any questions you may have, or if you require any support from me on the LCTF Facebook Page.  I can help with any injuries or individual training you may need. Please connect with me on my Tangerine13 Studios Facebook Page and I’ll look forward to ansering any questions you may have.

Good luck everyone!

Training Plans:

  1. Beginners: Walkers/Joggers
  2. Intermediate Joggers/Runners
  3. Advanced Runners


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