Rituximab Licensed in Scotland for GPA & MPA Vasculitis

The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) has today approved the National Health Service use of MabThera (rituximab) for patients suffering from Vasculitis.

The drug was has been licensed as a treatment for two life-threatening auto-immune diseases – severe forms of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) and Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA).

Lars Erwig, professor of nephrology and honorary consultant at the University of Aberdeen, said: “The SMC’s decision is very welcome news in Scotland and represents a major step-forward in the treatment of GPA and MPA. These auto-immune diseases are debilitating conditions which carry a high likelihood of relapse and, if left untreated, are fatal in the majority of patients. With the knowledge that MabThera is now accessible for Scottish patients we are equipped with an alternative treatment option which can heighten the chance of reaching remission, truly offering these patients new hope for the future.”

MabThera is licensed in combination with glucocorticoids, a type of steroid, to induce remission in adult patients with severe, active GPA or MPA.  You can read the article at http://www.thepharmaletter.com/file/124967/scottish-medicines-consortium-approves-mabthera-for-vasculitis-lyxumia-for-diabetes-and-targaxan-for-liver-disease.html

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation have been working extensively with the Vasculitis clinics over the last three years.  LCTF  have also been raising the profile of the disease within NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government.  This is great news for Vasculitis patients. Lauren’s charity has also been involved in early consultation with NICE regarding the same in England.


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