Raising Vasculitis Awareness with GPs

FullSizeRenderThe Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation  exhibited at the Royal College of General Practitioners, Annual Primary Care Conference, at the Glasgow SECC.  On Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd October, the charity has been busy presenting vasculitis awareness to the 1800 GPs attending the conference from throughout the UK.  GPs attended our vasculitis awareness stand to pick up our leaflets and to obtain further information on patient support services offered by the charity i.e. respite holiday facilities, guidance factsheets, guidance videos/webinars, mobility support, legal support, diets and anxiety publications.

The conference was a great opportunity to talk to GPs directly about the warning signs of vasculitis, the pathways for managing and treating the disease, referrals and the brilliant support now on offer for patients.

Getting GPs to think vasculitis when patients have numerous unexplained presentations that fit the variant symptoms is crucial in saying lives.  Raising awareness to GPs is about raising the profile of the disease, encouraging pathways to be opened for further tests and earlier diagnosis and treatment of the disease will prevent chronic organ damage and fatalities.  If one GP left the conference with a better understanding of Lauren’s story and how it can help another patient then the exhibition has been successful.

If you ant to discuss our support services or awareness then call us on 0845 600 5855 or email us on info@thelaurencurrietwilightfoundation.org.

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