Hutchesons’ Grammar School Work With Lauren’s Charity

Hutchesons’ Grammar School have selected Lauren’s charity  as the Charity of the Year for 2012-13 term.  Lauren was a pupil at Hutchesons until 2nd year when she left due to ill health.  Pupils at the school voted to have Lauren’s charity selected as their charity so it could be supported through fundraising events at the school.

Lauren’s parents attended the launch and Grant Currie, Lauren’s father, addressed the school during assembly to talk about their daughter, her journey with vasculitis and the charity that was launched in her memory.  The school have held a sponsored run, concert and have many other events planned throughout the year to help fundraise for our Vasculitis work.

The charity took part in the Christmas Fayre which helped to promote the charity and our work to staff, pupils and parents in addition to selling LCTF merchandise.  LCTF is delighted to have been selected by the pupils and is honoured to be working with Hutchesons’ Grammar School.  You can view additional pictures by visiting our Facebook page at

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