Hutchesons’ Grammar School Raise £28,300 for LCTF Vasculitis Research

Lauren was a former pupil of Hutchesons’ Grammar School and attended the school in S1 and the start of S2.  During this time Lauren had made many great friends and was so proud the day she opened her letter and was accepted for Hutchesons’, although her time at the school was to be short.  Lauren developed glandular fever in 2008 and shortly afterwards her health started to deteriorate with what has now been diagnosed as Granulomatosis with Poloyangiitis, formerly known as Wegener’s Granulomatosis, an ANCA variant of Vasculitis.  Lauren left the school due to her health in S2 and tragically died from Vasculitis at the age of 15 on Saturday 23rd October 2010. Lauren had never been diagnosed with Vasculitis until it had reached an advanced and fatal stage with lung damage.  Her charity now supports and funds an awareness campaign to raise the profile with the general public and the medical community to support earlier diagnosis of Vasculitis.  Lauren’s legacy continues to grow through her foundation with the charity funding dedicated Vasculitis research projects, funding support groups and specialist services for patients.

Her friends and cousin who attended the school requested that her foundation, The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation, was appointed Charity of the Year by Hutchesons Grammar Primary and Secondary school in the term 2012-13.  The charity  received an overwhelming vote from all the pupils and over the last twelve months they have been working extremely hard raising funds for Lauren’s legacy to Vasculitis.


The school has held a number of events throughout the year in both the Primary school at Kingarth Street in Glasgow and the Secondary school on Beaton Road in Glasgow.  All proceeds from events and projects have helped to generate a significant contribution to the charity.

On 10th June 2013 the school invited Lauren’s parents, Grant and Adrienne Currie, to attend the school and accept a cheque on behalf of Lauren’s Foundation for £28,300, which will be used in LCTF Vasculitis Resarch projects in 2013.  Grant accepted the cheque and thanked the school for their work in raising this overwhelming amount of money for a charity of this size.  Grant said, “The research projects that we can assist have been significantly boosted by this generous contribution.”

Grant also mentioned that the special partnership between LCTF and Hutchesons’ has helped to raise awareness of Vasculitis through the school newsletter and save lives from this devastating disease.  Former students of the school have been speaking to the charity regarding Vasculitis and the charity have assisted with a case where someone has been diagnosed with Vasculitis and is now being supported by Lauren’s charity.

Lauren’s parents, Grant & Adrienne, on behalf of her charity, want to thank the Rector, Deputy Rector, the staff and all the pupils at Hutchesons’ Primary and Secondary school for the hard work in fundraising and for helping to support Lauren’s charity with awareness.

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