Goodbye 2020!

Goodbye 2020. Will we be sad to see you go? Not one little bit! In fact, we might adopt the custom of opening the door at midnight to usher out the past year…just to make sure it actually goes! Another custom of finding the first dark-haired stranger to come through the door bearing coal might also prove difficult- not only because no one’s allowed in your house but also because 2020 has made Grant’s hair even greyer!! 2020 definitely put life into perspective for most of us and made us appreciate the things on this earth which matter most….health, family and friends. Although in March toilet roll would also have been included in that list!
2020 was the 10th Anniversary of The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation and was to be a year full of fundraising events to allow us to continue and grow in our aims of patient support, awareness, education and research. However, as with most charities, we experienced a significant drop in our income. So, we were delighted when people went out of their way to organise their own fundraising by making masks and rainbow brooches, virtual Kiltwalks, bonus balls, online busking, running ridiculous amounts of miles, Sober October…to name a few. Despite facing hardship themselves, people continued to donate via direct debit and make online donations too, for which we were so grateful. In addition to this, some successful grant applications and support from a few companies have meant that we have weathered the storm so far.

The pandemic meant that online services became essential to the many people who made use of them and so the website was refreshed and now contains sleep advice, diet information, yoga videos and meditation courses, all from the wonderful advisors who work with the charity year by year. Those who were worried about employment issues were still able to access our highly skilled employment lawyer. We were comforted to see that counselling services were accessed via telephone, as isolation was also a large part of what 2020 bought. Our charity vasculitis volunteers continued to answer calls and enquiries from patients and many new acquaintances were made. We look forward to meeting those who are able at our support groups in 2021.
The Twilight Cabin was closed for the majority of the year but was able to open for a few months to provide much needed respite. Who knows what 2021 will bring but in true optimistic fashion, have a look on the website as there are still a couple of available weeks.
We were very sad to learn of the deaths of some of our vasculitis family, some we knew and others were friends we’d never met. It’s especially at these times we realise just how important it is to raise awareness of vasculitis and also to provide support for those grieving families left behind.
The enforced time out we had from events allowed for a period of reflection on how to build and strengthen our 4 charity aims, particularly growing our patient support services. We’ve missed meeting with you all and look forward to getting together once again to a time where bubbles are once again found in champagne, tiers are on cakes and corona is a beer. So, from our house to your house we wish you all a healthier and happier year to come. Best wishes from Scotland – Lang may yer lum reek.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.


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