Climbing for vasculitis research

They told him that he couldn’t do it but on the 7th June 2014, Fred Fowler climbed the 1344 metres above sea level to reach the top of Ben Nevis! Fred is a member of the Aberdeen patient support group which is funded and managed on behalf of patients by Lauren’s charity.  Fred is affected by vasculitis himself which has motivated him to climb the mountain to raise funds for the ANCA vasculitis research at the University of  Aberdeen. The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation has funded the research over a period of three years with a donation of £43,000.  Fred presented £250 to the charity on Saturday 23rd August which was raised through sponsorship.

The Phd research student, Catriona Walls, delivered a positive presentation at the support group on Saturday 23rd August on the progress being made with the vasculitis research.  The study is using the latest 3d camera technology to view the interaction and break up of blood cells and how this is affecting the lining and wall of blood vessels.  This technology allowed patients to see for the first time the cell activity that is vasculitis.  The research will seek to identify biomarkers that will allow health professionals to identify a patient’s stage with the disease and in the delivery of treatment.

Well done Fred and thank you from all at The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation!





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