It’s normal to feel worried and anxious when financial uncertainty is looming or the prospect of unemployment is pending. Debt and financial problems can all cause significant emotional turmoil. In response to some such queries, we have compiled a list of websites below which will hopefully support you if you are facing problems.

Through LCTF, Vasculitis patients also have access to an employment lawyer, who will guide you through employment issues which you may have as a result of the pandemic. Call 0141 404 1184 or email to access this service.

 We can’t promise to solve all your problems, but we can promise you won’t face them alone.

You might find the following useful:

  • Our Wellbeing Resources section has expert advice on subjects including managing anxiety, looking after your mental health and employment – see Wellbeing Resources here
  • Our Wellbeing Service is an online resource with information on topics including work and money – see more here

The websites we mentioned above are: