If you have Large Vessel Vasculitis and live near Warrington then there is a great masterclass to support patients and carers.   VASCULITIS MASTERCLASS on Large Vessel at Birchwood Park, Warrington WA3 6AT on Wednesday 20th November 2013.

The meeing is Co-Chaired by  Mr Mark Field, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, LHCH and Dr Devesh Mewar, Rheumatologist, Royal Liverpool.

Topics being discussed at the masterclass include Aorta Vasculitis – not as rare as you think? by Dr Janice Harper, Nephrologist, Royal Liverpool, Giant cell arteritis – a common conundrum by Dr Amira Stylianides, Medical Ophthalmologist, Royal Liverpool, Takayasu arteritis – the Imperial experience by Prof Justin Mason, Vascular Rheumatology, Imperial College, Timing of surgery in vasculitis by Mr Aung Oo, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, LHCH and finally PET/CT – a reliable test for vasculitis? by Dr Manos Panagiotidis, Nuclear Medicine, UCL.

For details contact or to register then please contact:   Mrs Diane Comer, Dept of Renal Medicine,  Manchester Royal Infirmary – Diane.comer@cmft.nhs.uk