Here is our training plans for the Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation fight against vasculitis 5k from our very own personal trainer, Carolyne McDougall from Tangerine 13 Studios.
Her plan is based on going for a walk/run 3 times a week over the next 3 weeks. You will need to mark out a 5k route and time each session
Intermediate runners would be classed as someone who has run in the past or who has built up some running in the past year but cannot run 5k without stopping.
Week One Time yourself running your marked 5k route and remember where and for how long you had to take a walking break
Repeat this run for your next two sessions and try to cut down any walking breaks
Week Two Change route and pick one now that is really hilly
Do this run for the 3 sessions, time each run and try to beat it each time
Week Three Go back to the route from week one, try and run the full distance, no stopping – session 1
Find a steep hill and run up and down as many times as you can – session 2
Have an easy run, enjoy it and look forward to the race – session 3
You’ve ran before, you know it’s hard to get started but you also know that once you start training again it will become easier. Focus on reminding your body of what it can achieve.
Please feel free to contact Carolyne through our Facebook Page.
Tangerine13 Studios has a running club on a Tuesday night and anyone registered for this Vasculitis 5k event is welcome to come along for free over the next three weeks.
Carolyne is available to answer any questions you may have, or if you require any support from her on the LCTF Facebook Page. She can help with any injuries or individual training you may need. Please connect with her too on the Tangerine13 Studios Facebook Page or to take advantage of the free running club.