Edinburgh Support

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation has already launched a fully funded support group in Glasgow and we are due to do the same in Edinburgh on Saturday 18th February at 1pm at the King James Thistle Hotel – located in the heart of Edinburgh next door to the St James Shopping Centre.  Support groups are made up of people with common interests and experiences of Vasculitis. People who have been through, or are going through, a similar circumstance can do more than sympathize with you — they can relate to what you are going through and keep you from feeling like you are alone.

Our guest speaker is Dr David Kluth, Senior Lecturer in Nephrology at the Queen’s Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh. Dr Kluth’s work focuses on Vasculitis and its affect on the kidneys. Grant Currie will also provide an insight into the work of LCTF and the support and investment into Vasculitis.  Buffet lunch and tea/coffee is supplied at the meeting.

You can let us know if you would like to attend by contacting us at info@thelaurencurrietwilightfoundation.org

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