Would you like to run a 10k for LCTF? Zip-slide for rare diseases? Would you (literally) walk over hot coals for vasculitis research and support?
There are countless ways you can help to raise money for the Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation – from joining an organised fundraising event, to setting up your own.
Everything you fundraise makes a difference. As a charity, everything we do is funded by donations – you have the ability to help shape peoples’ lives.
Thank you for everything you’re able to do to help us.
However you’d like to fundraise, we’re delighted to have people support LCTF and the work we do – so please get in touch and we’ll do what we can to support, organise and/or promote your event.
If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve got some ideas which might help.
Over the years, we’ve been lucky to have people take part in events ranging from sponsored walks and our very own Vasculitis 5k, to running the Amsterdam Marathon and scaling Mount Kilimanjaro.
Or if that all sounds a bit too energetic, how about a cake sale or hosting an afternoon tea?
Here are some of our suggestions to help you make your fundraising a success:
Tell everyone what you’re doing
Let everyone know what you’re doing and when. Promote it as much as you can! Use social media, by posting on your own page and sharing in community groups. Print out posters, and put them on work notice boards – and some supermarkets, community halls and other places will let you put things on their notice boards, too. Tell your friends and family, rope in your local newspaper and radio station – do anything and everything you can to let people know what you’re doing and how to donate.
And let us know – we can share on our channels, too. We can help with graphics for social media, and posters, and in other ways as well.

Make it easy to donate
One of the best ways to maximise your fundraising is by making it as easy as possible for people to give to you.
- Use our JustGiving page. You can use it for fundraising and/or to make a donation, and it’s easy to share in emails or on social media, or by QR code. The added advantage is that people can give in their own time, and even if they don’t have cash on hand. And it’s easier for you, too!
See the LCTF JustGiving page - Prefer an old school sponsor form? Some events lend themselves more to a sponsorship form, and you can use our LCTF form to make life easier.
Download a sponsorship form

Fundraising ideas
There are hundreds of possible fundraising ideas – from setting up your own event to joining in as a participant in an organised event or race. Big or small, we’re happy to help support you as much as we can. Download our fundraising pack for inspiration.
Here are just a few suggestions:
- Bake sale
- Afternoon tea or Coffee morning
- Car boot or craft sale
- Ceilidh or dinner dance
- Party night or themed event – eg Jazz, karaoke, 80s, fancy dress, etc
- Ladies Lunch
- Pub quiz
- Sponsored run/walk/hike/climb/abseil
- Wine or beer tasting
- Give up something! eg Sober October, sponsored silence, give up chocolate…
- Birthday fundraiser
- School or work charity day

Join someone else’s event
If the thought of organising your own fundraising event is too daunting, join someone else’s! Run a raffle or cake sale at a work or school event. Sign up for an organised event like the Great Scottish Run or the Kiltwalk. Or join one of our LCTF events. Bring along a group of friends to one of our lunches, or for a great night out at the Black and Red Ball, and you can have fun while you’re fundraising!

Fundraising checklist
- Download our fundraising pack.
- Decide what you’re going to do, and pick a date when you’re going to do it. Give yourself enough time to get everything sorted!
- Make a list of everything you’ll need. Make sure you’ve got a venue if you need it, rope in people to help and double-check that you can do what you’re planning to do – for example, if you need a licence.
- Get in touch with us to see how we can help, and if you need anything from us, like collecting cans.
- Make it easy for people to donate – you can use our JustGiving page or download our sponsorship form.
- Promote it as much as you can! Use social media, posters on work notice boards, get in touch with local newspapers and radio – do what you can to let people know what you’re doing and how to donate.
- Talk about it afterwards. Let everyone know how it went, how much you raised – and thank them for contributing. Download our thank you poster and achievement certificate.
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About us
See more about The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation and why we do what we do.
What we do
Our work supports people with vasculitis, and more. See what your contributions help us do.
Contact us
Get in touch with us for help, advice or support.